() => {
const [timesClicked, setTimesClicked] = React.useState<number>(0);
function onButtonClick(): void {
if (timesClicked === 0) {
alert("isn't that nice?");
setTimesClicked(prev => prev + 1);
return (
<Flex direction={Flex.directions.COLUMN} align={Flex.align.START} gap={Flex.gaps.MEDIUM}>
<VibeNext.Heading>Online Playground</VibeNext.Heading>
<VibeNext.Heading type={VibeNext.Heading.types.H3} color={VibeNext.Heading.colors.SECONDARY}>
Prototype with actual components
<Text>Can't see the code editor?</Text>
<Text element="span">
Click on the <VibeIcons.Settings /> button on the left panel and
select the{" "}
<Text element="span" weight={Text.weights.BOLD}>
"Change Addons Orientation"
<Button onClick={onButtonClick}>
Click me
<Text>Button has been clicked {timesClicked} times</Text>